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Beaufort, South Carolina

Staff Directory

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Myrtle Beach Office

Pinnacle Bank Building
3064 Dick Pond Road, Suite B
Myrtle Beach SC 29588
Office: 843-293-9888
Toll Free: 888-575-1144
FAX: 843-293-2532

Elizabeth Lester, CISR


As Agency Manager with Statewide Insurance Group, Elizabeth loves meeting new clients and helping them assess and identify how they can protect themselves and their assets from the unique risks of the coast.

A 1995 Radford University graduate with a B.A. Degree in Business Administration, Elizabeth Lester has been in the insurance industry since 1997, beginning her career as Flood Insurance CSR, and later as a fully licensed insurance agent and broker in 1999.  Elizabeth originally began her tenure on the Personal Lines Team at Statewide Insurance Group in September of 2002, advancing to her present position as Agency Manager for the Myrtle Beach, SC Office. Elizabeth manages the commercial lines, personal lines, and benefits operations.

Elizabeth earned her CISR (Certified Insurance Service Representative) designation in 2005.  Active in many insurance organizations, Elizabeth is the Immediate Past President of the Independent Agents and Brokers of Horry & Georgetown Counties.  She has been an active board member of that organization since 2009.

Elizabeth is both a wife and mother, happily married to her husband Michael and has a handsome son.   She is a very active member of the Myrtle Beach Church of Christ, serving as Bible School Teacher and helping her husband head up many of the youth group programs and activities.  Her hobbies include jogging, reading, , playing with her dog, and spending time with her family and friends. 

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